The tiger nut, do you know? This yellow-brown tuber (also known as “edible nutsedge” or “earth almond”) is very popular with fishermen, since carp love it. Except that today, this small root could well also conquer the hearts of the followers of the healthy way of life… Indeed, 100% natural, it also has undeniable nutritional qualities since it is rich in iron, potassium, magnesium and vitamins C and E. Just that!
Thus, consumed regularly, it would facilitate intestinal transit, could help us lose weight (it cuts the appetite by slowing down digestion), would boost our immune system (by promoting the production of good probiotics in our body) and help us eat less.
If it is ultra popular on the other side of the Atlantic, the tiger nut is slowly starting to make its appearance in organic stores in France: on the Internet, count around € 2 per 100 g. On the taste side, followers explain that it is similar to coconut, with an elastic texture. It is eaten raw as an aperitif, or in the form of flour, for those intolerant to gluten.
According to specialists, the interest in tiger nut is not new: the Egyptians of the ancient times already consumed it, and American children of the 1950s frequently had it to taste. Moreover, in Spain, the tiger nut is called “chufa” and is already used to prepare a local drink, horchata. Now we just have to try …
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