To respond to patients who suffer from thyroid disorders and are victims of heavy side effects caused by the new formula of Levothyrox, the Minister of Health Agnès Buzyn had announced the availability in pharmacies of “five different drugs“from mid-November.
The Directorate General of Health (DGS) has therefore just taken stock of this therapeutic offer.
Levothyroxine medications available
• Levothyrox (Merck): available in all strengths since March 2017
• L-Thyroxin Henning (Sanofi): since its launch on October 16, 2017, more than 300,000 boxes have been made available in pharmacies. Nearly 200,000 treatments have been provided to date. By the end of December, more than 400,000 additional boxes are expected, all dosages combined. This specialty is made available on a long-term basis on the French market.
• L-Thyroxine drops (SERB): supplies up to 18,000 vials per week have been provided since October 2017, making it possible to meet additional demands while guaranteeing coverage of needs for children under 8 and people with swallowing disorders .
• Euthyrox (Merck): nearly 200,000 imported boxes were available in pharmacies early October 2017. To date, 150,000 treatments have been provided. To ensure the renewal of these treatments, comparable quantities will again be imported and available in pharmacies from mid-December 2017.
• Thyrofix (Unipharma). It should be made available in pharmacies the first week of December. This is a generic drug that has been approved for marketing in France since September 20, 2017.
In addition, the National Medicines Safety Agency (ANSM) is studying the possible availability of new specialties, in particular in a different galenic form.
Read also :
Levothyrox: Haute-Garonne patients must have access to the old formula of the drug
Levothyrox: 9,000 reports of adverse reactions