The arrival of Covid-19 and the successive confinements put in place to curb it have terribly affected the mental health of the French.
Medical data from emergencies and SOS doctors, but also regular surveys conducted by Santé Publique France (CoviPrev) show that these disorders -anxiety and depression- are particularly progressed between the end of September and beginning of November (second confinement), and that they have since remained at “a high level”. Indeed, according to Public Health France, 30% of the population today is affected by anxiety or depressive disorders. Similarly, sleep disorders have increased, as shown by the increase in the consumption of sleeping pills.
However, the observation made by the government is that the French are badly informed (43% feel they lack information about symptoms and treatments for anxiety and depression) And are in demand of‘tools help and listening. The existing devices, THE green number 0 800 130,000 and information site, stay little distributed.
“Talking about it is already healing”
It is in this context that Public Health France and the Ministry of Health are launchingnt this April 6, a general public information campaign. The goal? Better detect psychological disorders before they worsen and/or become chronic. But also encourage them to talk about it, to those around them or to their doctor, or even to not hesitate to use help and listening devices, which may offer A support and support adapteds. “Before treatment, the first step to getting better is to talk about it”emphasizes Public Health France.
The campaign is declinedfrom April 6,on the Internet, on radio and television via spots who remind that there is no need to have the covid to feel stressed or anxious.
Anxiety, depression, malaise… What to do? Which address ?
Young adults who are particularly affected by psychological disorders can contact the green number 0 800 235 236 or inquire on the site For share their concerns, their anxieties or mental disorders and be directed if necessary to the support structures closest to their home.
Psycoma public mental health information organization, offers advice, information documents, whatever your age, to better understand the symptoms andt management of anxiety, depression and other psychological and psychiatric disorders. The psycom also offers tips for to face Andregain mental balance. But also, when the symptoms settle over time and prevent any other daily action from know where to turn to benefit from appropriate psychological assistance and care.
Its director, Aude Caria encourages on the occasion of the launch of this campaign, to libtalk about mental health, still veryop often stigmatized. “It’s easy to say I had Covid, but it’s still hard to say I had depression.”
Get informed:
- The green number 0 800 130,000
- The telephone number of the Fil Santé Jeunes: 0 800 235 236
- Space dedicated to mental health COVID-19: taking care of your mental health during the epidemic (
Source : Public Health France press conference, April 6, 2021.
Read also:
- 5 signs that you suffer from anxiety
- Anxiety attack: 6 surprising symptoms
- Anxiety, depression in children or teenagers… What signs should alert parents?
- 15 tips against insomnia
- Stress, anxiety… 6 psychomotricity exercises to let go
- 4 consultations at the psychiatrist soon to be reimbursed