Are you prepared to pay more for better quality products? According to survey results Ifop conducted for the agro-food company Fleury Michon, three quarters of French people answer this question in the affirmative. This survey was conducted among 1,000 people over the age of 18 in March 2016.
Eat less meat, but of better quality
First product concerned: meat. 81% of French people say they are ready to pay more for their meat if it is certified “meat fromanimals raised without antibiotics“. And even if it means choosing a more expensive but better meat, 58% say they are ready to eat it less often. This food choice has a name: the flexitarianism, a movement that is gaining momentum in the face of recent health scandals, the cases of mistreatment reported in slaughterhouses and the concerns of the World Health Organization about a regular consumption of cold cuts and red meat. A previous study already showed that the French demanded more transparency and traceability on the meat they bought.
Another point of interest for participants: certification without GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) of common foods (cereals, pasta, rice …), for which they could get their hands in the wallet.
These choices are very relevant because Eating better would extend your life expectancy by 10 years.
A very large majority of French people (98%) say they are also concerned by the farmers’ crisis, since they believe that the latter are not paid at their fair value. 80% of participants also believe that these subjects should be present as a priority in the programs of candidates for the 2017 presidential elections.
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Are we eating too much meat?
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