Many people think that the yoghourt with fruits replaces yogurt plus fruit! But that’s false! “ Nothing is better than natural yogurt with real pieces of fruit that you add yourself. », informs Véronique Liesse dietician, nutritionist and micro-nutritionist. “ Real fruit, whether fresh or frozenprovide you with fiber, vitamins and photochemical compounds (antioxidants in particular),” indicates the dietitian. The fruits contained in fruit yogurts (for those that really contain them) are cooked and have lost a good part of their vitamins. This recommends that you choose natural yogurt with whole milk. “ It contains only 3% fat (4g of lipids for a pot of yogurt) and in milk fat we find fat-soluble vitamins A‚ D‚ E and K “, she explains. Véronique Liesse specifies that natural yogurt contains sugar which is that of lactose. A natural yogurt provides 5g of lactose.
Fruit yogurts: too much sugar and not necessarily fruit
Fruit yogurts are sweeter than natural yogurt‚ often more than 10g of extra sugar‚ or up to more than 15g of sugar per 100g of yogurt. This is often fruit sugar, but sometimes it can also be added. However, a yogurt is 125g so we practically arrive at 20g of sugar is 4 cubes of sugar ! They also only contain 12% fruit, or 15g, in a 125g yogurt, which is not much. “ Flavored yogurts do not contain fruit but flavorings which are additives with potentially harmful effects for health. They would notably unbalance the intestinal microbiota », specifies Véronique Liesse.
Fruit yogurts: how to choose healthy yogurts?
We must also not demonize fruit yogurts! “ It’s better than no yogurt at all! », underlines Véronique Liesse. This allows people who don’t like natural yogurt or cheese to consume dairy products which provide us with protein and calcium. Choose fruit yogurts with pieces of whole fruit, not mixed or with a “fruit flavor”. “ Also choose them without added sugars or sweeteners “. Véronique Liesse also suggests that you choose natural yogurt with a bed of fruit, a good compromise between natural yogurt and fruit yogurt.