Bathing in winter, or taking cold showers, can reduce stress and improve the overall quality of life, but the effects can decrease over time. Cold water triggers inflammation in the body, which may present risks for certain people.
- Cold baths are renowned for their effects on immunity or mental health.
- According to Australian researchers, the benefits vary strongly according to contexts and individuals.
- A cold bath triggers an increase in short -term inflammation, which must arouse caution for people at risk.
Some are bathed in sea water in winter, others in small baths filled with ice: cold baths seem more and more popular. On the side of scientists, their health effects are discussed. In Plos Oneresearchers from the University of South Australia publish the results of a meta-analysis on the subject. They gathered the data from 11 studies carried out on the subject to understand the psychological, cognitive and physiological effects of the baths in cold water.
A study on the overall effects of cold health baths
In total, these various works gathered more than 3,100 participants. All were major and had already practiced an immersion in cold water, either by taking an ice shower, making an ice bath or plunging into water at less than 15 degrees. In the panel studied, the water temperature was between 7 and 15 degrees. Whatever the type of immersion, it had to last at least 30 seconds and up to 2 hours. Scientists were interested in the effects of these baths on stress, sleep, mood, fatigue, concentration, skin health, immunity, inflammation or anxiety.
Cold baths: beneficial effects, but variable according to individuals
Overall, researchers find that immersion in cold water can reduce stress, improve sleep and quality of life in general. “”In this study, we found variable results depending on the timeindicates Tara Cain, however, co-author of the study. First of all, we found that immersion in cold water could reduce stress levels, but only for about 12 hours after exposure. We have also noted that participants who took cold showers of 20, 60 or 90 seconds reported slightly higher quality of life. But again, after three months, these effects were expressed. “ One of the studies shows that taking cold showers regularly is associated with a 29 % reduction in sick leave. “”We have also found some links between immersion in cold water and better sleep results, but the data was restricted to men, so that its wider application is limited“As for the effects of cold baths on immunity and mood, the researchers have found”Very little evidence supporting these statements “.
A temporary increase in inflammation after a cold bath
Australian scientists emphasize that the cold bath temporarily increases inflammation. “”The immediate increase in inflammation is a reaction of the body to the cold, which is a stressor factorindicates Ben Singh, co-author. This helps the body to adapt and recover, in a process similar to the way in which the effort damages the muscles to make them stronger. This is why athletes use this method, despite this short -term increase“For this specialist, it is essential that people with pre-existing health problems are particularly vigilant in the event of a cold bath.