In the jungle of streaming services, it is sometimes difficult to tell apart the offer, how do you know where which film or series is located?
Streaming services have sprung up like mushrooms in recent years. Gone are the days when Netflix was dominant. Disney+, Amazon Prime, HBO Max. Just a few competitors that have been added over the years. And are also available in the Netherlands.
It’s almost homework figuring out what to watch in the evening when you plop down on the couch after a long day of work or school. Because what does where actually say?
Movies and series on various streaming services
Not to mention moving movies and series from one platform to another. Recent example are the Marvel series that you could watch on Netflix. If you search Luke Cage or Daredevil you will come home to Netflix from a rude awakening. Nowadays you have to be at Disney+ to watch these series.
You are of course not the only one dealing with this issue. That is why a smart website has been devised:†
You can consult titles on this website. Then the site says where you can watch this TV series or movie. Sometimes only on Netflix, sometimes only on Prime. And sometimes combined on the streaming services. After all, the world of film and series rights can be complicated.