Even though human beings have been confronted with toxic substances for a very long time‚ “ we live today in a world where manufacturers abuse heavy metals – the real term of which is toxic trace metals – to the detriment of our safety with potentially serious repercussions on our health », introduced Stéphane Tétart‚ naturopath who gives conferences and training on the theme of natural detoxification of toxic metals and author of the book Stop heavy metals.*
These heavy metals (lead‚ aluminum‚ antimony‚ mercury‚ arsenic‚ cadmium, etc.) are present, in addition to indoor and outdoor air pollution, in our plates with pesticides, food additives and the water that we consume, in hygiene products, in certain health treatments (dental amalgams, vaccines, medicines, etc.).
“They also have neurotoxic, carcinogenic effects and promote cardiovascular diseases”
The Esteban study published in July 2021 on the exposure to metals of French people during the period 2014-2016 which measured the presence, in the body of French adults and children, of twenty-seven metals, including mercury , arsenic, lead, aluminum and cadmium showed that 100% of the French population is contaminated by toxic trace metals, half of which at a rate higher than the values recommended by ANSES.
Studies also suggest that children in Westernized countries are often contaminated with more than one hundred and ten substances considered toxic to the brain and nervous system. Gold, ” These toxic trace metals are pro-oxidants so they make us age faster. They also have neurotoxic, carcinogenic effects and promote cardiovascular diseases. », indicates Stéphane Tétart who adds: “ This heavy metal poisoning can also cause a drop in energy due to oxidative stress, intellectual fog with difficulties with memory and concentration or even depression. “. We better understand the importance of helping our bodies eliminate these heavy metals.
How to eliminate heavy metals safely and naturally?
First action: limit the entry of these toxic trace metals by eating organic food‚ filtering tap water‚ avoiding deodorants containing aluminum‚ replacing dental amalgams with dental composites or ceramics…
To detoxify‚ we also need to act on our natural elimination systems including the liver. “ We should already change our diet‚ to limit the consumption of fried and refined foods which require a lot of energy from the liver‚ which hinders the elimination of toxins and to adopt a diet rich in plants‚ in antioxidants‚ in chlorophyll ‚ natural detoxifier and light metal chelator‚ in garlic‚ cabbage and onion‚ foods rich in alloys which help the liver eliminate metals », teaches Stéphane Tétart. Detoxifying also involves a period of fast once or twice a year. “ This allows you to burn fat and therefore eliminate heavy metals which are blocked in fat. », Explains the naturopath interviewed. He recommends that you also carry out a detox twice a year‚ with plants (artichoke, black radish, milk thistle and desmodium) to be taken for 20 days.
Finally‚ help yourself to chelating plants which capture heavy metals and allow their elimination by the liver and kidneys like Chlorella. These are to be taken in 3 month treatment preventively every year or, if the symptoms are really very severe, over periods of up to one year. For a turbo detox effect, Stéphane Tétart recommends adding coriander and wild garlic to your foods. “ They help to detoxify more quickly‚ especially if you have already prepared your body with a lifestyle change “, he explains. If you follow this protocol‚ it takes a year to eliminate heavy metals from the body.
*Co-written with Alix Lefief-Delcourt‚ Editions Leduc‚ 2023