Even if you like to take long showers, you may not pay enough attention to certain body parts when you wash. In a TikTok video, GP Jen Caudle shared five areas that aren’t cleaned often enough.
- In a TikTok video, an American general practitioner lists areas of the body that are insufficiently washed.
- She indicates that attention should be paid to the navel, ears, fingernails as well as legs and toes.
- Insufficient hygiene can lead to infections and fungal infections.
Lack of hygiene of course leads to the appearance of bad odors. But above all, it increases the risk of infections and fungal infections. This is why Dr Jen Caudle, professor at Rowan University (USA), used her account TikTok to review the five areas of the body that are insufficiently cleansed.
The navel where many bacteria proliferate
The doctor, followed by 100,000 Internet users, explains in a video: “That’s right, a lot of people don’t wash their belly buttons at all. Guys, it’s getting gross. Please wash your belly button.”
If this hollow area is neglected too much, bacteria may develop there, creating an unpleasant odor. Sometimes an infection can occur. However, in adults, it is most of the time benign.
In another video, Dr. Caudle advises cleaning the navel with water, soap and a cloth. What if it’s too thick to fit? “Right now is the time where I recommend the cotton swab. I don’t recommend it for a lot of things, but this is one of the things I do suggest it.”specifies the doctor.
Ears to remove sebum
People also forget to wash “behind the ears, the top of the ear, and also the lobe”, warns the doctor. It is important to clean this area regularly otherwise dirt and sebum could accumulate there.
However, do not use cotton swabs to clean the ear canal as they can cause sores or blockages in the ears.
Under the nails to avoid residual dirt
The Covid epidemic has reminded us of the importance of regular hand washing, however many people make a mistake: not cleaning the underside of their nails. “That’s where a lot of dirt gets trapped – our nails. We don’t think about it often”adds the doctor.
For the record, to eliminate dirt and pathogens, it is recommended to:
- wash them with water and soap (preferably liquid);
- for 30 seconds;
- rubbing the nails, fingertips, palms and outsides of the hands, knuckles and wrists;
- then dry them with a clean towel or in the open air.
Legs and toes are too often neglected
For Dr. Caudle, many people don’t pay enough attention to their legs. In her video, she says: “I want you to wash your legs. I’m not talking about letting soap run down your legs in the shower, I’m talking about washing yourself, wash your legs please.”
The toes are another area that is often overlooked, which can lead to fungal infections and other infections. “Go between your toes. Make sure you wash them. You want to make sure you prevent infections of any kind. So make sure you’re deliberately washing your toes, and the rest of your body for that matter.”concludes the specialist.