Are you also one of those people who can fret endlessly? Annoying, because it makes you tired and depressed. But the good news is, worrying is a learned behavior. So you can also unlearn it! How? Read the tips below and take action.
- You can worry as much as you want, but it really won’t lead to any deeper insights. The problem only gets worse. Try to face this.
- Are you brooding again? Find distraction! But distraction that requires both concentration and activity. Go sports, garden, go shopping with a friend or cycle around your city or village. There are countless possibilities.
- Allow yourself a ‘worry moment’ of, for example, fifteen minutes at a fixed time every day. That is the time of the day when you can let your worries run wild.
- Worrying seems negative, but did you know that worrying also has positive sides? You also learn from every problem or every setback.
- Share your worrying thoughts with someone else.
- Are you a night worrier, don’t lie down for hours tossingbut get up. Find distraction. For example, watch TV or read a book. Drinking a glass of warm milk also helps.
- Teach yourself to say ‘stop’ to yourself when you worry. Actually, stop worrying and seek distraction. That is the best remedy.
- Take a critical look at your brooding thoughts. Are they real?
– What’s the worst that could happen?
– What’s the best that could happen?
– Is the thought true or false?
– What can I do now? - It also helps to put your worrying thoughts on paper. In written form, negative thoughts often seem less heavy than in your head.
- When you fret, you unconsciously avoid negative feelings. This leads to even more worrying. What do you feel in your body? Stop and think about this. The more familiar you become with feelings of stress and anxiety, the less likely you will be to flee into worry. In short, process your emotions.
- If you are worried, meditate. Also yoga helps enormously. This is how you let go of your thoughts.
- If you can’t get rid of your worries, do something relaxation exercises.
- Music does wonders. If you don’t feel comfortable in your own skin and you are too much in your head, put on a CD. With beautiful, sad music you can let your emotions go. You unload yourself, as it were. Cheerful music gives you energy, you look more positively at the world. Go crazy, push the furniture aside and dance!
- How about a delicious massage in due time?
- Did you know that there are many courses that teach you how to deal with worry? Just search the internet and sign up!
- Have you ever thought about volunteering or working for a good cause? If you worry a lot, go and do something for others. This will give you a positive feeling, which will reduce your own worries.
- Live in the now! Worrying is often about things that happened in the past or could still happen. Concentrate on the now and try to eliminate your negative thoughts.
- Do you know what one of the most frequently asked questions is? “How can they do this to me?” But do realize that your rules and your way of ‘being’ do not apply to everyone. It is better to wish others to be just than to demand it.
- Everyone who worries knows it: guilt. “Could I have refused?” Learn to be assertive. If you are unable to do this yourself, sign up for assertiveness training.
- Do you realize, in spite of your worrying, how happy you are? Stimulate your happiness consciousness. Investigate and look at what you do have instead of being led by all kinds of negative thoughts.
- And finally… roll up your sleeves. Don’t bury your head in the sand, but look for solutions and don’t just read all these tips, but also take action!