Jedi is a dog unusual labrador since he knows detect blood sugar levels… And on Wednesday March 2, he woke up his young master’s mother to report a danger.
Luke is 7 years old, he lives in California and has diabetes. a device sleeps by his side every night for control your blood sugar level. This monitoring is supposed to ring in case of a problem with Luke, yet one night, it is Jedi the dog who came to wake Luke’s mother to warn him of a problem with the young boy.
This Labrador is indeed tamed to monitor and sense a problem in the diabetes of his little master. And to warn the mother, the latter repeated a series of head movements learned in the event ofhypoglycemia by Luke.
Dorrie, Luke’s mother, skeptical of the‘device of his son not reporting any problem, however, decided to control blood sugar of his son who was indeed at the lowest.
In an emergency, the latter then administered glucose and everything is back to normal.
Thanks to the Jedi dog, the little boy is really under close surveillance.
This may just look like a dog, a sleeping boy and a number on a screen, but this, this moment right here is so much …
Photo Credit: WilleeCole Photography – ShutterStock