September 1, 2017.
Toxic agents are everywhere and even in products intended for children, such as school supplies. The magazine 60 million consumers conducted the investigation.
Harmful substances and allergens in pens
You have thought about sorting through your soaps and shampoos, also in your managerial products, but did you know that the hunt for toxic substances must also be done in your children’s supplies? This is what the magazine reveals 60 million consumers in his latest investigation. According to this work, we would find harmful substances and allergens in inks, glues, pens or pencils that children love to chew on …
” All scented school equipment is to be avoided “, Note the authors of this survey. ” For gums, ideally, prefer natural rubber ones, if you are not allergic, otherwise synthetic. “On the glue side, we can turn to” water glues “Or” with vegetable bases “. You should also pay attention to the words ” solvent free »On the packaging of your products.
Beware of certain pictograms
It seems absurd to find this type of dangerous substance in products intended for children, but certain manufacturers are more concerned by the multiplication of the offer and by the playful or unusual aspect of their products than by the health of the consumer. The magazine advises in particular avoid buying liquid correctors, commonly called “blanco”, and to prefer “mice”.
On some pens, there are pictograms (irritant, flammable, harmful to the environment). If so, do not take these products. Finally, the magazine recommends prefer spiral notebooks to notebooks bound with glue, which often contains solvents and other volatile organic compounds. In total, out of 52 products tested, 19 contained carcinogenic, toxic or allergenic compounds.
Marine Rondot
Read also: Diapers contain toxic substances for babies