Necessary for immunosuppressive medication
For many people, the flu is a nasty winter ailment that will go away on its own. If your immune system doesn’t work as well, the flu can have more serious consequences. Rheumatoid arthritis patients who use immunosuppressive drugs therefore receive an invitation for a free flu shot.
Flu is caused by various influenza viruses. The first complaints are shivering, coughing, pain in your throat, head and muscles. Then follows a high fever. You will usually recover after three to five days, but you may still feel tired and limp for weeks. In people with little resistance, the flu can be very serious and even fatal. If you use anti-rheumatic drugs that suppress the immune system, it is therefore wise to get a flu shot.
Immunosuppressant drugs include azathioprine (brand name Imuran), methotrexate, prednisolone, etanercept (Enbrel), adalimumab (Humira), and infliximab (Remicade) or one of the other biologicals.
The vaccine contains dead particles of influenza viruses. These virus particles are injected into your upper arm with a hypodermic needle. Your body then makes antibodies. After two weeks you will have produced enough antibodies to be protected against the flu. If you come into contact with one of the flu viruses contained in the vaccine, the antibodies will make the virus harmless.
Because the flu shot only contains dead virus particles, you cannot get the flu from the vaccine itself. The injection may cause some redness, swelling and pain in your arm. That will go away in a few days. Some people do not feel so well for a few days after the vaccination and, for example, have a headache or increase for a day. This especially happens in children who have not yet come into contact with a flu virus. In very rare cases, serious side effects are reported.
No guarantee
The flu shot unfortunately does not guarantee that you will not get the flu at all. It takes two weeks for the vaccine to work, so if you get infected within those two weeks, you will still get the flu. It is also known that the immune system works less well after an infusion with rituximab (brand name Mabthera) or sometimes does not even respond to the flu shot.
Even if your own immune system does not work properly, you can still get sick, but the flu is less serious. In addition, you are protected against the serious consequences of the most common flu viruses.
Children and adults who are at extra risk of becoming seriously ill from the flu will receive an invitation from their doctor for a free flu shot in October or November. This applies, for example, to people over 60, diabetics, heart and kidney patients and people with a reduced resistance. The flu shot is recommended for these groups, but it is not mandatory. You can decide for yourself whether you want to make use of the invitation for the flu shot.
Don’t get an invitation, but think you still need a flu shot? Then consult with your doctor. If you belong to the target group, you will still receive a free flu shot. If you do not belong to the target group, your GP will write out a prescription for the vaccine. You can buy this at the pharmacy and then have it injected by your GP. Some insurers reimburse the vaccine and administration by a doctor.
Some organizations also offer their employees a free flu shot and organize consultation hours during which the company doctor vaccinates. You can participate voluntarily.
Only if you allergic for chicken egg protein, you should not get a flu shot. The vaccine may contain some chicken egg protein. Even if you have a fever, it is better to postpone the vaccination. You can get the flu shot if you have a cold.