The midwives were heard by the Minister of Health who announced at the microphone of Europe 1 that their status would change. The government will announce measures for medical and salary recognition for this profession.
“Midwives ask that their skills, their place and their role in the public hospital be better recognized and better identified. I will announce the decisions I am going to take tomorrow. I can already tell you that the status of midwives in the hospital will change and that their specific skills will be better recognized, “Marisol Touraine told the journalist.
Midwives’ claims
The collective of midwives at the origin of the strike movement installed since October, asks that “the status of hospital midwives be integrated into the status of hospital medical staff, giving them real autonomy, a salary up to their level. medical skills and responsibilities, their place in hospital governance ”. Holders of a bac +5, midwives are nevertheless today paid with a salary equivalent to a level of a bac +2. This measure should, according to the collective, be accompanied by salary recognition.
On the other hand, the civil servant inter-union (CGT, CFDT, FO, SUD, Unsa) wants midwives to remain in the public service, because the status of hospital practitioner would be synonymous with precariousness.
“The last consultations are underway and the announcements will be made on Tuesday,” added my Minister of Health.