December 19, 2016.
According to the French public health agency, all influenza indicators in metropolitan France were on the rise from December 5 to 11, 2016. But it is not too late to get vaccinated.
The risk of death exists
The seasonal flu epidemic has made a big comeback in Brittany and Île-de-France. And new regions may well suffer the same fate in the weeks to come. ” Vaccination remains the best way to protect yourself, protect those around you and limit the risk of complications. which can lead to hospitalization or even death in the most fragile people “, Recalled the Minister of Health Marisol Touraine, in a press release.
It is indeed not too late to be vaccinated. Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Auvergne-Rhône Alpes and Occitanie have also experienced “ a sharp increase in flu-like symptoms », Specifies SOS Médecins France. So, if you are an elderly, sick or pregnant person, do not hesitate to get vaccinated. There is a risk of death, especially if the patient already has impaired respiratory function or if a bacterial infection complicates the flu.
2 people dead since 1er November
According to the French public health agency, since November 1, 2016, 27 influenza patients have been admitted to intensive care and two people have died. Half of these people were not vaccinated. “ Contrary to popular belief, the flu is not a trivial seasonal infection! The virus kills every year, especially fragile people », Insisted Marisol Touraine.
For limit the transmission of the virus, health authorities recommend that sick people avoid coming into contact with other people and wash your hands regularly with soap and water, cover your nose if you cough or sneeze, and use disposable tissues.
The seasonal flu is accompanied by a high fever (around 39 °), fatigue, muscle and joint pain, headaches and a dry cough. The infected person is contagious for up to five days after the onset of the first symptoms in adults, and up to seven days in children.
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