Is there anything we hate more than cellulite? The most obvious natural way to limit this unsightly fatty mass (we don’t promise to eliminate it forever) is to learn how to massage yourself. That’s good, we’ve found the right anti-cellulite massage technique!
Cellulite affects 4 out of 5 women, at all ages and regardless of body size. Located mainly on the buttocks, hips and thighs, cellulite (the famous “orange peel skin”) gives the skin a padded look caused by fatty deposits under the skin.
The technique against fatty deposits
The technique of self-massage is an essential tool in the fight against cellulite. he goes drain and stimulate your lymphatic system. Lymphatic drainage consists of pressure movements in the direction of lymphatic circulation.
When you vary the pressure, it stimulates the circulation of the lymph, which causes the tissues to drain.
This anti-cellulite massage “squashes” fibrosis and decompartmentalizes cellulite tissue. For this, you must adopt the palpate-roll technique.
Imagine that you are rolling a sheet of paper between your fingers. It is this same gesture that you must reproduce on your skin. You grab a roll between your fingers, then forcefully roll it between your thumbs and index fingers.
A homemade oil for your anti-cellulite massage
For convenience, you can also purchase a self-suction cup. It is a small, very simple, inexpensive mechanical device. It looks like a rounded, fairly deep suction cup that you place on your skin. You create a vacuum there, which sucks the tissues. You then move the device over the cellulite areas, so as to cover them entirely.
In all cases, perform this massage every night, before going to bed. It will be even more effective if you use a massage oil (see below) that is both anti-inflammatory and disinfiltrating.
In an opaque or dark bottle, first pour 10 cl of organic base vegetable oil that you will choose according to your skin: argan if it is dry, lawyer if she is fat, sesame if it is normal, Almond if it is weak.
Then add 5 drops of juniper essential oil, 5 drops of cypress essential oil, 5 drops of helichrysum essential oil, 5 drops of Atlas cedar essential oil, 5 drops of lemon, 5 drops of wintergreen essential oil and 5 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil. Mix well and store protected from light and heat until your next anti-cellulite massage.
The properties of the 7 essential oils
You will use this homemade oil to perform your anti-cellulite massages. Each essential oil acts in its own way on your inflamed, septate and fibrotic tissues.
- The essential oil of juniper improves blood circulation.
- the cypress thanks to its essential oil decongests and stimulates lymphatic circulation.
- The essential oil ofhelichrysum is venotonic and anti-inflammatory.
- The essential oil of lemon is soothing and disinfiltrating.
- the atlas cedar thanks to its essential oil tones the walls of the vessels and relieves water retention.
- The essential oil of Wintergreen is highly anti-inflammatory.
- The essential oil ofylang ylang works on another level. It is very soothing, which will help to find a serene sleep.
This homemade anti-cellulite massage oil, perfectly natural, thus acts at all levels: it calms local inflammation, improves blood circulation and promotes the elimination of waste infiltrated in cellulite. In addition, little icing on the cake of your slimming, it smooths the surface of the skin and quickly makes the “orange peel” skin disappear.
The active ingredients will not immediately penetrate deeply. It is gradually that they will infiltrate, as your cellulite tissue decompartmentalizes. So insist : perform this anti-cellulite massage every evening, for 10 to 15 minutes, for at least a month.
For your part, do you have any advice to give on self-massage or a good homemade massage oil recipe to share? We are watching your comments…