Thanks to the Consumer Law, the sale of lenses and glasses is no longer reserved for opticians. Now you can buy your optical products in the supermarket and on the Internet. The goal is to lower prices by 25%. The government now wants to go further by capping the reimbursement of glasses by complementary health insurance. Now, the government wants to tackle reimbursements through supplementary insurance.
In 2015, the government wants to limit health spending in terms of optics and therefore cap reimbursements for lenses granted by supplementary insurance. In addition, the cost of glasses will be limited to one pair every two years, except in the event of vision changes and with the exception of children.
“Provided for in the framework of the social security financing law (PLFSS), these measures are detailed in a decree in preparation. This text, expected in theory for the end of March, provides for declining rates for the reimbursement of glasses over three years, ”announced the information site
Evolving tariffs over 3 years
The maximum reimbursement amount for single glasses will be reduced from 350 euros in 2015 to 200 euros in 2018, with a reduction of 50 euros per year. The maximum reimbursement of 600 euros for complex lenses will drop to 400 euros in 2018. However, the ceiling for frames will not change, regardless of the lenses. It will still be 100 euros.
Bad news for eyeglass wearers. Because, contrary to popular belief, the rest to be borne by the consumer is substantial, despite the intervention of the health system. “The customer who buys glasses himself, directly or indirectly, assumes the entire cost” recalls David Martimort Director of Studies at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in his economic and competitive analysis of the social sciences sector. optics in France for the research firm Altermind.
“These measures will be valid for complementary health insurance offering“ responsible contracts ”. These contracts, created in 2004 to oblige to respect the course of care, are less taxed than the traditional contracts. Today, they represent almost all of the additional coverage ”recalls
The optical market in France is estimated at 5.7 billion euros in 2011. Approximately 64% of French peoplewear glasses and spend around 130 euros per year on them.