If the Covid indicators have “slightly” started to rise again for ten days (see the latest figures from Public Health France), the fact remains that the health situation has been improving overall for several months, in France, as in the other countries of the European Union.
1er February had marked the end of several exceptional measures put in place to fight against Covid, in particular compulsory isolation in the event of a positive test and screening when there is a contact case.
This 1er mars is the care of Covid screening tests which is evolving, to return “to common law care rules”, announced the Ministry of Health on February 28.
Covid tests in pharmacies: a remainder of 30% of the price of the test
As a reminder, until now, RT-PCR and antigen tests were exceptionally covered at 100% by Health Insurance, for vaccinated people and without medical prescription.
“A co-payment will be reintroduced for all Covid screening tests. The remaining charge for the insured will be determined according to the health professional delivering the test and will amount to 30% of the cost of the test if he is carried out by a doctor or a pharmacist and 40% if it is carried out by a nurse or a masseur-physiotherapist”, states the press release.
It should be noted that for the vast majority of policyholders who have a supplementary coverage, the remainder will be zero. The same applies to beneficiaries of complementary health insurance.
For the most fragile, nothing changes
However, Covid tests will remain fully reimbursed for the most vulnerable people:
- People over 65
- Miners
- Patients with long-term illness (ALD)
- Caregivers and health facility staff
- People undergoing collective screening
Remember that in the event of symptoms suggesting a respiratory infection, it is recommended to carry out a Covid test.