According to American researchers, men with small testicles are more attentive and engaged in the care of their young children than those with larger gonads.
This article will perhaps console men who are self-conscious about having small natural attributes! Indeed, according to an American study, fathers with smaller testicles would be more paternal and engaged in the care of their young children than those with larger testes.
The research conducted by anthropologists from Emory University (Georgia) and published this week in the latest Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) of the’American Academy of Sciences looked at 70 biological fathers aged 21 to 55 who had a child aged one to two and lived with the mother.
The parents were then subjected separately to a series of questions about the father’s commitment to the care of their child such as changing diapers, feeding and bathing, or staying at home to care for the sick baby or take him to the doctor. Results, men with small testicles obtained the best kinship score on the questionnaire. The latter therefore turned out to be endowed with a more developed paternal instinct.
However, this observation needs to be qualified since researchers concede at the same time that “bAlthough statistically significant, the correlation between testicular size and paternal instinct is not perfect. “Just because men are built differently doesn’t mean that they don’t want to be caring fathers, but that it could be biologically more difficult for them,” said James Rillings, lead author of the study.
To confirm this discovery, scientists then decided to push their research a little further. They thus underwent an MRI examination to measure the brain activity of these less endowed men. And again another surprise, these were also those who felt the most emotion at the sight of the photo of their children!