We talk a lot about global warming, the pollution of the oceans, the natural disasters that result from it. Devastating fires in Australia, less and less identifiable seasons, floods in the south of France or in the United States… But what about the composition of the oceans, largely polluted with plastic and regularly subject to brides black? On the Pacific side, along the American coasts, researchers noticed that the pH of the water was very acidic, underlines a study published on Science Direct.
Too acidic for its underwater species to live normally. In particular for a type of crab, particularly caught and sold in fishmongers. The water of the Pacific where it evolves is so acid that its shell is eaten away. This isn’t the first time scientists have noticed shell dissolution, but in the past two years it has increased by 10%, they write.
The entire food chain threatened
This acidification of the oceans is explained by the fact that the water absorbs more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than before, which increases the PH. More acidic, but also more crowded with harmful algae, saltier and hotter. And the more acidic the water, the less it is concentrated in carbonate ions, which crustaceans and coral feed on to build their shells and skeleton. Crabs aren’t the only ones affected.
In addition, their antennae, which allow them to orient themselves and feed themselves, are also affected by the high pH of the water. The less resistant the crabs are, the less able they are to do their job in the food chain, essential to the biodiversity of the oceans.
To limit ocean acidification, it is necessary to limit carbon emissions. From an ecological point of view, it is obviously a disaster that is beginning to grow. But the researchers also point to the economic problem that could result from this, by depriving the fishing trade of its main raw material.
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