January 24, 2017.
The two articles of law supposed to make it possible to fight more effectively against anorexia have still not entered into application. An administrative slowness that worries the initiators of these texts.
Two articles of law to fight against anorexia
The fight against anorexia seems to have disappeared from the list of government priorities. A few days before the opening of Fashion Week in Paris, the implementing decrees for the articles of law that were voted in January 2016 have still not been published, even though they were to come into force on 1er last january.
A delay which worries the rapporteur of the project and socialist deputy, Olivier Véran who, for The Parisian, said he hoped that this law was not passed for nothing. ” If this continues, the decrees will never be published before the end of the quinquennium. And there is obviously a brake somewhere […] The world of fashion is the big mute. I don’t want consultation with the industry to drown the baby », He testified.
Between 30,000 and 40,000 anorexics in France
These two articles of law could however play a big role in the fight against the promotion of thinness in France. The first, article 19 of the Health Law of Marisol Touraine, will oblige advertisers to add the words “retouched photo” as soon as the physique of a model is changed. Article 20 obliges people who employ mannequins to require a medical certificate from them, which will be established in particular on the basis of their body mass index, their age, their sex, their possible health problems or current or past feeding problems.
In the event of obstruction of this last article, offenders could face a 6-month prison sentence and a € 75,000 fine. Anorexia today affects between 30,000 and 40,000 people in France. Most of the time, this mental disorder affects teenage girls.
Read also: Anorexia: a responsible bacterial infection?