SIM 37 (for simulation at the 37th week of amenorrhea) is the first childbirth simulator that determines if the expectant mother can give birth safely or if she needs to make an appointment with the obstetrician for a cesarean. Thanks to an MRI, 3D imaging can detect a possible disproportion between the head of the fetus and the mother’s pelvis.
Questioned on the reliability of this method, the College of French Gynecologists and Obstetricians (CNGOF) emphasizes “the lack of scientific evidence to justify offering this method to pregnant women”.
An examination not reimbursed by Health Insurance
“This process has never been the subject of a relevant and serious evaluation. There is no study published in peer-reviewed journals to verify the proposed hypotheses. In addition, at a time when inequalities health seem to be widening and while maternity hospitals are suffering from budgetary difficulties, the proposed cost appears excessive compared to an unproven benefit “ declares the CNGOF in a press release.
According to’Institute for Research and Action for Women’s Health (Irasf), this examination, provided in a clinic, would cost 900 euros, entirely payable by the patient. For its part, the College of Gynecologists recalls that childbirth the CNGOF reminds that childbirth remains an extraordinary moment for which, to date, there is no method allowing to
predict the chances ofgiving birth vaginally.
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Extraperitoneal cesarean section: a gentler technique
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