Psychiatric illnesses and cancers are the most expensive for Social Security, sleeping with a light on promotes weight gain in women and nearly 4 out of 10 adults are nearsighted in France. Here is the main news.
Cancers, psychiatric illnesses…: these treatments that cost the Social Security the most
Behind occasional hospitalizations are psychiatric illnesses, cancers and cardiovascular diseases which cost Social Security the most, as indicated by its new cartography designed over a period of 6 years. These three categories are also those whose budget has increased the most, with cancer this time far ahead. In 2017, expenditure related to cancers in the active phase represented €14 billion, i.e. 10% of all expenditure studied by the mapping. This budget increased by +2.8% per year over the period 2012-2017. In comparison, this increase was 2.3% per year, all pathologies combined, between 2012 and 2017. More information in our article.
Sleeping with a light on promotes weight gain in women
If you’ve gotten into the habit of falling asleep with the TV, bedside lamp, or nightlight on, here’s a study that should interest you. Conducted by American researchers attached to the National Institutes of Health and published in JAMA Internal Medicine, she claims that sleeping at night with an artificial light source can be the cause of weight gain in women. Fortunately, these harmful effects are reversible: turning off the lights at bedtime could thus reduce the risk of weight gain. To reach this conclusion, the researchers used data from a breast cancer risk factor questionnaire completed by 43,722 healthy women aged 35 to 74 with no medical history. To read more click here.
Myopia: nearly 4 out of 10 adults are affected in France
During the 125th congress of the French Society of Ophthalmology, Pr Nicolas Leveziel, head of the ophthalmology department at the University Hospital of Poitiers presented the first data from the largest study ever conducted on myopia in France. Initiated in 2016, it is based on the analysis of anonymized data collected over the past 5 years by 696 KRYS GROUP stores from 4 million customers. The objective is to better understand the data on the incidence of myopia, an increasingly widespread visual disorder since it is estimated that its prevalence will double worldwide by 2050. Refractions (examinations intended to characterize and measure the importance of the optical defect of the eye) of more than 2,700,000 adults and 500,000 children were analyzed. The calculated frequencies were then related to the general French population via a correction factor, in order to establish the most faithful representation possible. We tell you more in our article.