We may know that snacking is the worst enemy of the line, difficult to resist when a craving grips us. Because the feeling of hunger is due to a drop in blood sugar levels, the level of glucose in the blood. However, if the latter is the essential fuel of the muscles and the brain, it must not be present in excess.
The pancreas produces a hormone, insulin, which is responsible for regulating blood sugar. But, secreted in abundance after ingesting too many sweet products, it causes a sudden drop in blood sugar. Very quickly, it is craving, snacking and, ultimately, weight gain! Only one solution, choose the right fuels: carbohydrates and proteins!
The value of carbohydrates depends on their glycemic index (GI), that is to say the time they take to pass in the blood. The lower the index of a food, the slower its speed of diffusion in the body, and the longer the feeling of hunger is delayed.
Contrary to popular belief, the fructose in fruits (GI = 20) passes more slowly into the blood than that of rice or white bread (GI = 70), which are nevertheless rich in complex sugars. In addition, for the same food, the glycemic index varies according to the preparation and the cooking method. While quick-cooking rice has a glycemic index of 85, basmati rice and brown rice do not exceed 50.
When the stomach is full, it sends a message of fullness to the brain. For the same volume, it is therefore in our interest to consume foods with a lower caloric density. However, lipids are twice as energy efficient as carbohydrates and proteins and, difficult to digest, they delay the feeling of satiety. So give preference to lean meats, hard-boiled or shelled eggs, fish, low-fat cottage cheese.
Other allies of the line, fibers. Too complex to be assimilated by the body, they are bulky and provide a lasting feeling of satiety. The foods that contain the most are green vegetables and whole starchy foods. Do not hesitate to associate them with each meal, to calm your stomach.