April 17, 2007 – Organic kiwifruit has greater antioxidant power than conventionally grown kiwifruit, says a group of researchers from the University of California.
They compared two crops of kiwifruit grown on the same farm and during the same time of year. At the time of picking, as well as at different storage periods (35, 72, 90 and 120 days), organic kiwis had a higher level of polyphenols (18% more) and vitamin C than kiwis non-organic.
Polyphenols and vitamin C have antioxidant properties that can help prevent the onset of cancer and cardiovascular disease. In total, the antioxidant activity was almost 27% higher in organic kiwifruit than in conventionally grown kiwifruit.
Some of the kiwis have been grown according to the organic standards of the US National Organic Program. For the others, traditional production methods including the use of herbicides, pesticides and chemical fertilizers were used.
According to the authors of the study, the chemicals would have a negative impact on crops. Without chemical fertilizers or pesticides, the fruit must develop its own defense mechanisms, in particular by producing more antioxidants.
As for the flavor of the kiwis, the researchers did not find any noticeable differences between the two groups. The organic fruits, however, were a bit less firm and had a bit thicker skin, presumably another example of the plant’s natural defense mechanism.
Claudia Morissette – HealthPassport.net
1. Amodio, ML, Colelli G, et al, A comparative study of composition and postharvest performance of organically and conventionally grown kiwifruits, Journal of the Science of Food abs Agriculture. www3.interscience.wiley.com [Consulté le 17 avril 2007]