Multiple studies have already shown that the consumption of red meat is one of the factors cancer risk. For its part, the World Health Organization (WHO) has classified this meat as “probably carcinogenic to humans”. Also, researchers from the University of Oxford (Great Britain) believe that governments should implement a “red meat tax” as they have already done for sodas.
According to British scientists, taxing red meat because of its harmful effects on health would save many lives and save billions of dollars in health costs in industrialized countries. They believe that a tax of 14% on red meat (beef, pork and mutton) and 79% on processed meat (sausages, cold meats, etc.) would encourage consumers to eat meat only twice a week.
“For the year 2010, the number of deaths attributable to the consumption of red or processed meat (mainly stroke and colon cancers) is estimated at 2 million. A figure which could climb to 2.4 million in 2020 “insist the researchers.
Their study was published in the Plos One review.
Read also :
Fat eaters of red meat exposed to inflammation of the intestines
Red meat consumption linked to kidney failure