Fans of tattoos, rest assured, the color is safe! The Tattoo & Partage association is delighted: its president, Stéphane Chaudesaigues, congratulated himself on December 25 with a letter from Ministry of Health published two days ago, published on the association’s website. According to him, it would be a misunderstanding which has been clarified, the letter providing details on the prohibited dyes.
“The color tattoo is saved. It would have been a real shortfall,” he said, quoted by Le Knowing that 90% of tattoos are in color, this news relieves the 3,500 to 4,000 tattoo professionals who feared having to ban a large part of their inks from their workplaces for safety reasons.
A misinterpreted painting
A ministerial decree, currently suspended until January 1, pointed to 59 dyes out of the 153 used in cosmetics, including tattoo inks. The Tattoo & Partage association, for its part, supported a misinterpretation of the decree by the administrations in charge of the case.
More precisely, it would be a misreading of one of the four tables of the decree, listing the dyes that cosmetic products may contain. “We decided to hire a specialist who took over the 3,600 pages of European texts and its French application, and we realized that there was nothing to change, the decree was good but that we just didn’t understand anything! ” explains Cécile Chaudesaigues, secretary of the association, to