The Elm Street Tattoo salon in Texas (United States) has made available a vending machine which, on the same principle as candy, gives out a transparent ball at random after inserting a coin. Small difference: the machine does not give you sweets but a pattern drawn beforehand by the professional tattoo artists of the place. For the bravest, you can then have the pattern chosen by the machine permanently engraved on your skin.
$100 a tattoo
make one tattoo is not a decision to be taken lightly and the tattoo artists at the salon are aware of this. Therefore, to be able to activate the machine and have access to one of the patterns, you must be ready to pay the modest sum of 100 dollars (about 85 euros). Interviewed by the newspaper Dallas Observe, an employee of the salon explains: “If you don’t like the first tattoo you get, you can try your luck again for only 20 dollars (17 euros). If you still don’t like the second one, you’re not obliged to have it tattooed for you. On the other hand, there will be no possible refund”. He also specifies that all the patterns are “in the traditional American style”, so mainly skulls or snakes. If the machine is intriguing, the newspaper reports that so far no one has been brave enough to try it.
In France, this initiative does not yet exist. To be sure you want a tattoo, it is possible to try temporary ones, lasting three to ten days.
If you decide to take the plunge, it is necessary to follow some essential rules to avoid any risk to your health.
Read also :
Beauty: temporary tattoos before getting tattooed for good
Tattoos: watch out for heatstroke
Electronic tattoos that monitor your health