Your child becomes a teenager, no way to cut it: it’s time to broach the subject of sex. Even if this discussion does not generally appeal to parents or adolescents, it would make it possible to limit the risky sexual behavior of young people, according to an analysis conducted by psychologists from the University of North Carolina (United States) published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics.
No more discussions between mother and daughter
The researchers deciphered 52 studies on communication on the subject of sex and on sexual behavior of a total of 25,314 adolescents under the age of 18. Result: communication between parents and children around sex is linked to more responsible behavior on the part of adolescents, especially in terms of contraception and wearing the condom. Another conclusion of this analysis: in general, more girls than boys talk about sex with their parents, and more often with their mother than with their father.
To alleviate the embarrassment that this kind of discussion can cause, the study’s authors recommend addressing the issue in a clear and practical manner. At the same time, parents can turn to health professionals who are able to provide them with advice on way of approaching the subject of sex with their teens.
Teenagers still too ill-informed
This analysis recalls the importance of sexual prevention for adolescents. Indeed, nearone in five teenagers say they are not well informed about contraception. Regarding protection against Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), another worrying finding with one in three students who say they do not use a condomduring sex.
>> To read also:
Teens: do they go to bed too early?
Teens and the pill: at what age to start?
First period: what to say to him at 10 years old or at 13 years old
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