As is the case for avian flu, Tamiflu (Roche laboratories) would be the most effective antiviral for slowing the progression of swine flu, pending the development of a possible vaccine against this form of flu. Indeed, the vaccine against the seasonal flu, does not protect absolutely against the virus A / H1N1, that of the swine flu.
Originally, Tamiflu, a prescription drug based on osetalmivir, was intended to fight the flu. To be effective, it must be administered within 48 hours of the first symptoms. So, no need to take it “in anticipation”.
In the event of a pandemic, doses of Tamiflu will be distributed. According to Didier Houssin, Director General of Health, France is “one of the countries best prepared for an epidemic” because there are “33 million doses of antiviral drugs in stock”, consisting mainly of Tamiflu.