Exotic on the table
The potato that belongs to the Dutch pot appears less and less on the table. It is replaced by pasta, rice or couscous, but also by a more exotic potato variety. The sweet potato, also called sweet potato. This root vegetable is said to be many times healthier than the old-fashioned potato.
The sweet potato is originally from Mexico. It is an exotic fruit that grows underground like the tuberous root of a garland-like plant. The sweet potato is a vegetable, unlike the regular potato. It is not seen as a vegetable in the Netherlands. Yet we often prepare the sweet potato in the same way.
The shape varies from round to elongated and the color from light yellow to purplish red. Once you have eaten sweet potato, the taste will stay with you. It is sweet, but also a bit spicy.
The orange sweet potato is probably the best known variety, on the outside it is usually brown, red or pink in color. However, the inside can also be yellow or white and purple sweet potatoes are also for sale. In the United States they also see the yam as a sweet potato, but in the Netherlands we see this variant more as a cassava.
Buy and prepare
Just like the regular potato, the sweet potato is very suitable for cooking and baking. Sweet potato fries from the oven are highly recommended, as are mashed potatoes or a stew. You can also enjoy the sweet potato in a soup or as a raw snack with a dipping sauce.
When buying sweet potatoes, make sure to buy smaller or medium-sized firm ones, which have the most flavor. If the skin is discolored or if the sweet potato has sprouts, it is no longer fresh. It is best to store in a cool place. They can then be kept for at least a week.
You can prepare the sweet potato peeled and unpeeled. In any case, it is important to brush it well. Just like the regular potato, you can cook the sweet potato in 15 to 20 minutes. They often take a little longer in the oven.
Quite a few health benefits are attributed to the sweet potato. It is also said to be healthier than the normal potato. For example, sweet potato would have less effect on blood sugar levels. It’s true that the glycemic index of the sweet potato is lower than that of the regular potato, but a glycemic index of 50 is still not very low.
The sweet potato is in any case rich in beta-carotene, also known as provitamin A. This is the sweet potato with the orange flesh. Vitamin C is also well represented. Raw, however, the regular potato contains slightly fewer calories and carbohydrates than the sweet potato. In terms of fiber content, both potatoes are very similar.
Diabetes patients
There are indications that the sweet potato is very suitable for diabetes patients. For example, the sugars from the sweet potato, raffinose, are only digested in the large intestine. This is one of the reasons that the sugar level fluctuates less, but it sometimes results in flatulence.
In addition, research shows that certain substances in the sweet potato increase the level of the protein hormone adiponectin in the blood. This hormone is important in the production and breakdown of insulin. Future research will have to provide more clarity on this. The sweet potato may have even more beneficial effects – for example on weight and mood – and this is also related to the adiponectin level in the body. However, this has not been scientifically proven.