April 25, 2016.
An NGO (non-governmental organization), Foodwatch, denounces the subsidies paid by an agro-food industrialist to doctors and associations, in order to promote sugar-free sodas.
7 million euros in grants over five years
A sports promotion center that receives … 1 million euros from a major soda brand, which manufactures sugary sodas, which we know are not recommended for health, but also sodas without sugar. Do you think it is normal ?
This is what the Foodwatch association denounces in a report published in mid-April. Having obtained the details of the sums paid by a giant of the food industry to doctors, associations or institutions, she deplores a barely masked system of subsidies with dubious purposes.
An association of diabetics subsidized by a brand of soda
In total, 7 million grants have been paid, in five years, to an association of diabetics, nutritionists, doctors, dieticians, and even to a wellness fair. So much money that Foodwatch wonders if it was legitimate for it to be paid by the agri-food group to people who, normally, should recommend not to consume its products. Including sugar-free sodas!
Several studies show that sodas without sugar reinforce the desire to consume real sugar, in those who consume it. However, some people who have received sums of money from the soda maker have promoted sugar-free sodas at conferences, organized all over France …
Read also: What our favorite drinks are hiding