As I get older I have more and more earwax problems. I’ve been to the doctor a few times to have my ears ejected, but it keeps accumulating. The substance also appears darker than before. The annoying thing is that it is accompanied by a ‘dull’ feeling in my head. As if the sound is becoming less and less clear. I’m afraid that this will make my hearing worse.
What can I do about it?
Derk de Jong, hearing care professional
I’m sorry you’re having so much trouble with it earwax.
Earwax has a protective function, but excessive earwax can indeed cause discomfort such as the dull feeling in your head.
Your hearing will not deteriorate as a result, but the moment the ears are closed you will soon lose considerably of your hearing.
Having your ears by your doctor is of course a possibility, but by having it sprayed out again and again, it can happen that your ears become too clean.
As a result, extra earwax is created again and you will increasingly suffer from clogged ears.
You can also preventively clean your ears yourself using cleaning agents that you can purchase at hearing shops or chemist/pharmacy.
This prevents the earwax from accumulating and you have to go back to your doctor to have it removed.