A statute has just been created for students in maieutics. They will benefit from the same rights as other students in medicine, dentistry and pharmacy.
This is a major advancement for future midwives. From now on, just like future doctors, dentists and pharmacists, apprentice midwives will benefit from the status of hospital student. The status of hospital student in maieutics has in fact just been created by a decree, published in the Official Journal of October 9, 2016.
The text will enter into force on October 10. “The decree creates a statute for students in maieutics in training from the second cycle of their studies, insofar as they participate in hospital activity, like students in medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy”, can – read in the decree.
This increase in salaries and recognition of skills had been announced by the Minister of Health Marisol Touraine at the end of 2014. Thanks to the decree, students will be put on an equal footing with other future health professionals . A recognition for which they have been campaigning for several years.
In particular, students will now be able to benefit from an annual leave of thirty working days, during which they will receive remuneration, indicates the decree. The same goes for maternity or paternity leave, during which the full remuneration will be paid to them.
In addition, students may also benefit from a flat-rate transport allowance, in cases where the place of the internship is located at a distance of more than fifteen kilometers from the training structure to which they are attached.
Other significant advances
The decree is part of a global evolution of the status and responsibilities of midwives. In June 2016, for example, midwives were authorized to perform voluntary medical terminations of pregnancy.
They can practice this act if they justify its sufficient and regular practice in a health establishment. In fact, this practice must be certified by the director of the establishment on proof presented by the medical officer concerned. In addition, they can also prescribe a work stoppage of up to 4 days, renewable once.