January 26, 2007 – Lack of time and ideas, parents sometimes struggle to create simple, nutritious and tasty lunches that the whole family will enjoy.
“Two recent surveys told us that 50% of the midday meals of Quebecers were not balanced, since they contained too many carbohydrates and insufficient protein intake. We also learned that one in two Canadian adults does not eat at lunchtime, ”reports Geneviève O’Gleman, spokesperson for Dietitians of Canada, who offer advice on preparing nutritious lunches.1.
Here are some tips to restore this battered meal to its former glory.
- Simplify meal prep by reserving a refrigerator drawer and pantry shelf for easy-to-go foods like yogurt, fresh fruits and vegetables, and dried fruit.
- Stock your pantry with convenient lunchtime preserves. Canned fish (salmon, tuna) is ideal for garnishing a sandwich.
- Choose whole grain bread and grain products that contain more vitamins, minerals and fiber than processed ones.
- Replace drinks (carbonated, energy and fruit) with milk, a yogurt smoothie, 100% pure fruit juice, or just water.
- Avoid unpleasant surprises and unwanted mixes by taking care of food combinations and their appearance. Do not use overly fragrant foods that could end up in the trash.
- Cook more for the evening meal in anticipation of the lunch the next day. Among the leftovers that particularly appeal to children: chili, pasta, pizza and ham, beef or turkey for a sandwich.
- To please a sweet tooth, pudding, fruit yogurt dip, puffed rice date squares, healthy homemade cookies, fresh fruit or unsweetened compotes are all healthy choices.
Andrée-Anne Guénette – PasseportSanté.net
1. For more information, visit www.reseau-canadien-sante.ca/dinerssante. [Consulté le 26 janvier 2007]