PHOTOS – The intensive use of the cell phone changes the body position of children and adolescents, who show increasing disorders of the neck and spine.
Hunchbacks, stooped necks and crooked backs. This is what the future generation of adults will look like, made up of current adolescents whose physiognomy changes with the technology. The enemy of our spine has a name: the cell phone.
It is an Australian chiropractor who raises the alarm and publishes on the site of the Daily Mail Australia the x-rays of his young patients – children and adolescents whose smartphone accompanies daily life and disrupts their body position. The practitioner mentions an explosion of cases of bone pathologies linked to the use of screens.
“The neck of the text”
James Carter thus denounces the epidemic of “necks of texting” which strikes the youth of modern times. This pathology is the result of many hours spent in front of a telephone, body curled up forward, head down on the screen.
The epidemic, still silent, is not invisible. A glance at the X-rays is enough to be convinced. The disease strikes the youngest – half of James Carter’s patients go to school. It is accompanied by anxiety and depressive symptoms, and can cause irreversible and permanent damage to the spine.
In the photo on the right, we can see the skeleton of a 16-year-old girl. According to the doctor, she is developing a back defect and is at risk of becoming hunchbacked. The image on the right is of a 17-year-old boy, who has an abnormal curvature of the spine.
“Instead of having a normal forward curvature, we see in these patients a backward curvature,” explains James Carter. This condition often causes pain in the neck, shoulders and back. Many patients consult for headaches, but we quickly realize that it is a case of ‘neck of texting’ ”
Snapshot of seven year old patient with “text neck” – before and after treatment.