Cosmetics have become addicted to caffeine and are increasing the number of products that contain it because of its lifting and decongesting action. Most of the time, green coffee is used in cosmetics. A pure seed, which retains all the benefits of the plant. It is from this seed that we extract caffeine, very popular in slimming treatments and eye contour formulas.
But coffee holds other treasures. Indeed, it is rich in caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid, which gives it incredible antioxidant properties. From coffee beans, oil can be obtained by cold pressing or extract.
Coffee has exfoliating properties
When the coffee is roasted, the seeds are heated to a temperature of over 190 ° C, they then lose the water they contain, develop their aromas and exhale an addictive fragrance. These roasted coffee beans are used in cosmetics, for their abrasive action.
They are then crushed more or less finely, and inserted into scrubs. Much more ecological than plastic microbeads, now banned, they respect the skin and the environment.
Coffee has an exfoliating action
Just as it gives us tone when we ingest it, coffee brings a real boost to the skin. Indeed, it acts as a vascular tonic which stimulates the epidermis and even boosts its firmness. In addition, “caffeine works to increase the cellular energy of the skin by improving the functions of its cells,” says Lizz Starr, biologist, executive director of development at Origins. On the other hand, “the green coffee bean extract has an enzymatic action, which promotes the natural exfoliation of the skin.” It therefore helps to naturally eliminate dead cells that accumulate on its surface. Integrated in face or eye contour treatments, coffee gives radiant skin and a luminous complexion.
Caffeine promotes microcirculation
It thus makes it possible to decongest the eye bags when they are of aqueous origin or to reduce water retention, responsible for swollen eyes upon waking up. By acting on the vascularity, it also helps to reduce dark circles.
Caffeine is also used in slimming treatments since its draining action promotes the elimination of waste. Finally, it boosts lipolysis, thus making it possible to de-infiltrate the tissues and act on the cellulite. Of course, it is effective if it is combined with massage and a balanced diet.
Good news: all the good things about caffeine are in coffee grounds. An ingredient that you necessarily have on hand to make the beauty recipes in this slideshow.
Read also :
- Infographic: the effects of coffee on health
- Coffee: friend or foe?
- At what time to drink a last coffee so as not to have insomnia?
- Thinking about a cup of coffee boosts the brain