Who hasn’t dreamed of seeing their figure slim down without doing any physical activity? Almost everyone! However, losing weight does not only require efforts at the level of your plate. Of course, if we pay attention to what we eat and adopt a low-calorie diet, it is obvious that we will lose weight. Apart from the fact that we will resume it later if we do not sustain the efforts over time (yo-yo effect), restricted food alone will not be enough.
The more muscles you build, the more calories you burn (even at rest)
Certainly, it is possible to lose weight without moving, but it is absolutely not recommended! “When you practice a sport, or simply exert yourself, you develop your muscle mass. And the more you build your muscles, the more you increase your metabolism. That is to say that we will consume more calories, even at rest”, explains Corinne Fernandez, dietitian-nutritionist in Paris.
On the other hand, if we don’t move, we may lose weight, but the silhouette will remain flabby and absolutely not toned. We may get a less plump belly, of course. But most of the time, it will be soft! “Muscles are health, tone. And it is the combination of physical activity and a healthy and varied diet with the rule of eating a bit of everything in small quantities. And this is how it is possible to obtain a fine, curved and toned silhouette”, emphasizes the specialist.
Moderate exercise is enough!
We can never repeat it enough but physical activity is not necessarily high level sport: 30 minutes daily brisk walk is within everyone’s reach. You can also do gardening, walk your dog, do Zumba, Pilates, etc. The key is to move, without necessarily turning into a top athlete overnight, especially if you’re not used to it.
And if despite everything you absolutely do not want to move, but still lose weight, you will have to be even more vigilant about your plate. No nibbling will be allowed. Under penalty of not seeing its weight decrease. Alcohol should also be banned. We will bet on starchy foods, but not more than 100 g at each meal, just to avoid the cravings of the day. But let’s repeat it: this mode of feeding will not work miracles. For real efficiency, it is better to put on your sneakers in addition!
Thanks to Corinne Fernandez, dietitian nutritionist in Paris.