Between the foie gras, the champagne, the toast, and, more recently, the galette des Rois, at the moment, on the scales, it’s a bit of a mess. And we are many to throw ourselves heart (and body) lost in a diet to eliminate the pounds accumulated during the holidays … A diet, yes, but which one?
According to a – very serious – study conducted by a team at Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine (United States), connected diets could be effective.
The secret: psychological follow-up
Reconciling physical activity, balanced diet and psychological monitoring via a smartphone app, website or regular emailing, these newcomers in the world of slimming promise us rapid weight loss … but above all sustainable.
The study, published in the scientific journal Circulation, observed the weight curve of 1337 people for almost a year. Verdict? “The BMIs of participants who followed a connected diet fell significantly,” says Tanika Kelly, lead author of the study.
“Psychological follow-up via an app, text messages, emails, or even a website is effective, since it allows us to stay motivated, but also to keep our morale up.” And that is the secret to a diet that works! What are we waiting for to get started?
Go on a diet, yes, but be careful not to put your health at risk. Discover 5 diets to consume in moderation.