Sleeping well requires getting rid of certain bad habits. Better to keep your phone and all other screens away from your bed, for example.
Do you regularly suffer from insomnia or do you simply sleep poorly? You may need to get rid of some bad habits. Food, screens, bedtime, physical exercise: to sleep better, everything counts!
Create a routine and make it last
In the New York Times, an article lists tips for better sleep. First, you should go to bed earlier, and prepare for it in advance. It’s about planning a quieter time, without screens, some time before bedtime. For example, you can walk quietly, go yoga or breathing exercises. Playing sports before going to bed would release tension and stress if the activity is gentle enough. Intensive workouts should be done more than 4 hours before bedtime.
One of the other tips is to mobilize your senses before bedtime: the taste with a herbal tea or the smells with an essential oil diffuser, this would be a source of appeasement. On the other hand, you should eat at least three hours before bedtime, and rather a light meal. Stimulants such as coffee, nicotine or sugar should be avoided.
According to a canadian science site, it takes between 18 and 254 days to form a new habit, giving an average of 66 days. To sleep better, repeat these rituals again and again before bedtime, after about two months they should become reflexes.
Screens are to be banned
The blue light emitted by the screens of telephones, computers and tablets is harmful to eyesight, but also to sleep. It disturbs the brain which confuses it with daylight and delays falling asleep. To protect yourself from this, you must stop using screens at least an hour before going to bed, and of course do not consult them during the night. Some even recommend turning off the wifi network, to protect themselves from electromagnetic waves, considered harmful or even carcinogenic.
Insomnia has consequences about health
In France, one in five people suffers from chronic insomnia. It has the effect of impairing concentration and memory abilities, can increase the risk of work or road accidents and can promote diseases such as obesity, diabetes or high blood pressure.