Insomnia and sleep apnea are associated with female orgasmic disorder.
- Women with orgasmic disorder may suffer from anxiety disorders and depression.
- The first-line treatment for this disorder is directed masturbation, which includes a series of prescribed exercises.
Patients suffering from sleep disorders would have more difficulty reaching orgasm. This was revealed by researchers from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (USA). To reach this conclusion, they published a study published in the journal Urology. In order to carry it out, the scientists recruited 1,317,491 women suffering from sleep apnea, 1,538,567 suffering from insomnia, 58,902 affected by circadian rhythm disorders and healthy adults.
Sleep disorders prevent reaching orgasm
The team’s goal? To determine the association between sleep problems and female sexual dysfunction, sexual desire disorder, sexual arousal disorder, and female orgasmic disorder.
As a reminder, female orgasmic disorder, which can be primary or secondary, corresponds to the absence of orgasm, an infrequent orgasm, markedly reduced in intensity, or markedly delayed in response to stimulation despite normal levels of arousal, according to MSD Manual. It can be caused by contextual factors (constantly insufficient foreplay, premature ejaculation, etc.), psychological (anxiety, lack of confidence, etc.), cultural, medication (antipsychotics) as well as nerve or genital damage.
The authors found that women with sleep apnea and insomnia had higher risks of impaired sexual desire, sexual arousal and orgasm compared to healthy adults. According to the results, 70% of the participants had difficulty reaching orgasm.
Female orgasmic disorder: the fault of a hormonal imbalance?
“Our results support the need to recognize the importance of the link between sleep and sexual health in women. Disturbed sleep is thought to lead to lower levels of estrogen and testosterone. These hormones, present in men as in women, play an essential role in the libido and sexual function of individuals”, said Taylor Kohn, author of the study.