From May 14 to 18, 2018, volunteer dermatologists will participate in the Skin Cancer Prevention and Screening Week. On this occasion, you can make an appointment online and get tested for free.
Skin cancer kills 1,800 each year
It’s time to get tested! As every year, hundreds of French dermatologists will participate, from May 14 to 18, in the week of skin cancer screening. Objective: to fight, upstream, against these cancers which are more and more frequent and which still kill 1,800 people every year.
To participate, it’s free and very easy, all you have to do is go to the platform, where you can make an anonymous appointment. On this occasion, a number will be assigned to you and you will only have to give it to the dermatologist who will receive you directly in his office.
Skin cancer is on the rise
This year, 300 practitioners are participating in this prevention and screening week. While many French people will be able to benefit from a screening consultation, many will also take it too late. For these last ones, the organizers then advise to go from time to time on the appointment-making site on which new slots are posted regularly.
According to the League against cancer, skin cancers are today among the most frequent and 60,000 new cases are diagnosed each year, including nearly 7,400 melanomas. Skin cancer is one of those that is still on the rise in France, even though research against cancer is making many advances every year.
Read also The 10 biggest causes of cancer