The number of women having same-sex relationships has quadrupled in 20 years. On the other hand, 70% of them disapprove of infidelity compared to 53% in 1990.
Since the 90s it seems that women have profoundly changed their approach to sex life. According to a major survey (The National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles) carried out on 15,000 Britons every decades since 1990, women, in particular, have more experimentation in matters of sexuality than 20 years ago .
Women report more same-sex relationships
This large study published this Tuesday in the Lancet reveals surprising data regarding the decline in the frequency of sex in heterosexual couples.
But these results also highlight a change in behavior vis-à-vis homosexual relations. Indeed, the number of British women who have had sex with another woman has quadrupled over the past 20 years (8% today against 1.8%). Asked about this sharp increase in female homosexuality, Professor Kate Wellings, main author of this study, sums up: “I think it’s too big to simply be due to the fact that women admit it more easily today. . In the media, we can clearly see this change in the representation of women. Celebrities have exposed their homosexuality, we see more women kissing and so on ”. For men, these figures remain more stable: 4.8% between 2010 and 2012 against 3.6% in 1990.
Women have twice as many sexual partners than 20 years ago
This study also reveals that the gap between man and woman concerning the number of sexual partners over a lifetime has greatly reduced. Women aged 16-44 now have an average of 7.7 partners compared to 3.7 in 1990. Men, on the other hand, now report 11.7 partners of the opposite sex compared to 8.6 cited in 1990. “The change in the The behavior of women in the three surveys since 1990 has been remarkable. In some areas of sexual behavior, we have seen a narrowing of the gender gap, but in others, women even outperform men in the diversity of their sexual behavior, ”added Professor Kate Wellings.
More adventurous but less tolerant of infidelity
However, this survey also highlights some contradictions. While as in 1990, 20% of men surveyed in 2010 see nothing wrong with the practice of short-lived sex, women’s opinions have changed significantly on the issue.
In the early 90s, 5.4% said they were in favor of having sex without commitment, they are now 13%. In contrast, when sex involves people in a relationship, it seems that women have become less tolerant of extra-marital relationships over the past 3 decades.
The proportion of women who disapprove of extramarital sex has increased from 53% to 70% in 20 years. And this change also concerns men since they are 63% of this opinion against 45% in 1990. “We tend to think that nowadays, we live in an increasingly sexually liberal society, but the truth is a lot. more complex, ”concludes Professor Anne Johnson of University College London, who also worked on this study.