A study confirms that penetration does not necessarily mean pleasure for women. The duration either.
An American study could serve as an introduction to sex for many men. Its results go against the stereotypes of porn and widely held beliefs in the male community, but also among some women.
Among the most interesting, some information on the relationship between penetration and pleasure. With all due respect to men in a hurry, for 82% of women, vaginal penetration is not enough to reach orgasm. More than a third (36%) need additional clitoral stimulation, and for an additional third, this parallel stimulation is a significant plus.
The longer it is, the longer it is …
These results, published in the review Sex & Marital Therapy, are from an online study of 1,055 women aged 18 to 94. Researchers at Indiana University (United States) asked them about several things that helped them (or not) to enjoy themselves.
First information, the pleasure is variable. Almost 4 in 5 women say that some orgasms are more intense than others. And the intensity does not depend on the duration of the report. Less than one in five believe that the length of penetration plays a role in the level of pleasure.
Back to basics
So what are the conditions that promote orgasm? The answers do not ultimately come under a big secret: the time spent raising excitement, emotional intimacy, but also the fact of having a sexual partner who knows what he likes, and therefore clitoral stimulation. during penetration, says Debby Herbenick, director of the Center for Sexual Health Promotion at Indiana University, and lead author of the study.
She adds that, ultimately, couples could benefit from the experience gained during their first nights. “Often times, when couples form, they spend more time kissing and caressing, long before they start oral sex or penetration,” she says. All too often, when these two practices become part of the sexual routine, the rest is erased. Which is a real shame, when you consider the power of genital touch ”.
Speak before you act
Couples must therefore continue to touch each other. But not just any old way! 41% of the women questioned said they preferred a method of caressing. Better to know which one. “This result highlights the importance of conversations about sex and pleasure, or simply knowing how to show your partner what you love,” she adds. Otherwise, the chances of finding the right move is low ”.
In summary: speaking, not falling into a routine, avoiding the rush to penetrate and stimulating the clitoris would be, statistically, the key elements of female pleasure. Statistically only. Because in terms of sex, probably more than anywhere else, tastes and colors …