Indeed, to the question, “According to you, from what moment can we speak of commitment in love?”, the women answered that:
Commitment is expressed first by the fact of living together (for 1 in 3 women), then during presentation to the family (16%)
– This is particularly the case for 15-24 year olds (living together=43%; presentation to family=22%)
Note that the PACS remains less ‘meaningful’ than engagement and especially less than marriage.
18% (almost 1 in 5 women) nevertheless believe that love does not entail any commitment:
– Stronger feeling among 50-64 year olds and single women (1 in 4 = 24%).
But we must not forget that 18% of the women questioned affirmed that “love does not lead to any commitment”.
The survey in its entirety in Top Santé, n°233 of February.