What if the perception of pain was in fact totally subjective? “We can change our perceptionswrites Kévin Finel, specialist in self-hypnosis. Only one element prevents us from achieving this: the belief that what we feel is normal and not subjective.“
We seek at all costs to get rid of it, and yet pain could be useful information. It indicates a malfunction, an alert to help us take care of ourselves, or even to push us to consult a specialist.
To learn how to modulate pain – which does not mean that we have to cut ourselves off from understanding it or having the advice of specialists – it is important to to dissociate from one’s body. On a day when you feel pain, close your eyes and become aware of your body position. Then imagine that you look at it from the outside and take more and more distance: the further you are from it, the less pain you will feel.
Learn to listen and get in touch with your pain
To learn how to modulate pain – which does not mean that you have to cut yourself off from understanding it or from having the advice of specialists – it is important to dissociate yourself from your body. On a day when you feel pain, close your eyes and become aware of your body position. Then imagine that you are looking at it from the outside and taking more and more distance: the further you are from it, the less pain you will feel.
But it is also important to change your own perception of pain. Close your eyes again and try to visualize it: what is its shape, size, color or texture? Then try to make it move, push it in one direction, take control of it. Finally weaken the representations you have of it: if it is heavy, make it light, if it is a ball, flatten it.
Finally, Listen your pain: rather than fighting it, learn to get in touch with it. Ask it its meaning, by listening to the body’s messages, the pain often becomes less and less present. This listening should reach an agreement: when you feel that the messages have passed, ask your body not to recreate this pain again as long as you follow its indications.
Explore your brain’s abilities with self-hypnosis, Kevin Finel, April 12, 2022, ed. Leduc, available for sale on FNAC.com And AMAZON.co.uk
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