A twenty-year-old caught scabies, a contagious skin pathology caused by a parasite, because of shoes purchased on the second-hand platform Vinted.
- A 29-year-old woman got scabies after wearing shoes bought on Vinted.
- Scabies is a contagious skin disease.
- With appropriate treatment, this disease can be cured but does not confer immunity.
It’s a story that could discourage fans of second-hand shopping. In the United Kingdom, more precisely in Watford, Becca Maddon contracted scabies after wearing a pair of shoes purchased on Vinted, an online sales platform for second-hand items. After wearing her new sneakers for a day, the 29-year-old woman saw small red spots appear on her feet the next day. Very quickly, the pimples became red patches running up his legs. She decides to consult a doctor who makes the diagnosis: the twenty-year-old has scabies.
Scabies, a pathology which can be transmitted through clothing
As a reminder, this is of a contagious skin disease caused by a parasite, called sarcoptus, according to‘Health Insurance. In 2010, there were an estimated 328 new cases of scabies per 100,000 people. This pathology can affect all types of people, regardless of their age, hygiene and social environment. In general, contamination occurs through direct and prolonged human contact but transmission can also occur through clothing or bedding because the sarcoptes can survive for a few days in the fabric. “I don’t want to tell people not to buy second hand sneakers, explains Becca Maddon. I would just encourage them to wash them before wearing them because I don’t want this to happen to anyone else.”
Scabies: local and/or oral treatment for the patient and contact persons
Once scabies has been detected, a treatment, locally and/or orally, is prescribed to the patient but also to contact persons. To avoid transmission of sarcoptus to those around you and the spread of the pathology, it is important to carefully follow hygiene recommendations regarding bedding and clothing. In short, you should vacuum your entire house and throw away used vacuum cleaner bags. “The care must be accompanied by treatment of linen which may have been contaminated by scabies sarcoptus (clothing, underwear, sheets and blankets, towels, etc.). This linen must be washed in the washing machine. 60°C and dry it at high temperature if possible. Fabrics that cannot be washed in hot water must be treated by contact with an ascaricidal powder (which kills mites) for at least 48 hours. They can also be stored for a week in an airtight plastic bag. In fact, the sarcoptus does not survive more than four days in the absence of contact with the skin. details health insurance.