In the absence of an interministerial decree which prohibits the addition of sugar in food products sold overseas, is still not applied. In Reunion, one in ten suffers from diabetes.
On the occasion of the vote of this law, the rapporteur in the Senate Michel Vergoz, elected PS of Reunion, had explained that in Martinique fruit yoghurts produced locally “contain 27% to 50% more added sugars”. For drinks, it’s the same thing: “A can of soda contains 14 g of added sugars in Martinique, against 10 g [en métropole] “, According to the socialist senator of Martinique, Maurice Antiste, interviewed by The world in 2013.
However, overconsumption of sugar is extremely harmful to health. One in 10 Reunionese has diabetes, according to the president of the Mutualité de la Réunion, Théodore Hoarau, at the origin of the rally. “This disease is responsible for 250 deaths per year, or 4 times the metropolitan gross death rate due to diabetes, and 1000 amputations per year”. “Its cost is 560 million euros, it is three times more than in metropolitan France,” he added, pointing to the “vicious business” of diabetes from which, according to him, certain associations and the agro-food or pharmaceutical industry.
Another impact of sugar on the health of overseas populations: in the overseas departments, there is a prevalence of obesity of 22% in Martinique and 23% in Guadeloupe, against 14.5% in France, particularly affecting women and men. children (9% of children are obese in Guadeloupe and Martinique, against 3.5% in France).