The National Order of Physicians declared in a statement that he is going to file a complaint against the doctors announcing their refusal to take care of patients assigned CMU-C (universal health coverage) and AME (state medical aid).
The doctors promised by signing the Hypocratic Oath to “respect all people, their autonomy and their will, without any discrimination based on their condition or their beliefs.” And to cooperate “to protect them if they are weakened, vulnerable or threatened in their integrity or their dignity”.
However, January 30, 2017, Médecins du Monde, the Federation of Solidarity Actors (Fnars) and the Interassociative Collective on Health (CISS) which brings together patient associations, approached the Defender of Rights to inform him of discriminatory behavior by health professionals. These posted on online medical appointment sites ( or their refusal to treat the most disadvantaged, that is to say patients with CMU or AME.
Protect patients and sue doctors
In response to these unethical acts, the Order announced that it would take legal action and prosecute the doctors concerned. “The National Council of the Order of Physicians expressly asked, on February 1, the Defender of Rights and the user associations accompanying and representing people who have been awarded the CMU-C and the AME to send it the nominal information. that they noted concerning doctors posting on sites of appointment making their refusal to receive the people allotted of the CMU-C or the AME ”, one can read on the press release in which the professional body recalls that “since its creation they have been working [avec le Défenseur des droits] together within the framework of a cooperation agreement. Beyond referral to professional jurisdiction, the Order of Physicians has also used, and will continue to do so, its information resources to remind physicians of their moral, ethical, legal and regulatory obligations towards all patients, without any discrimination ”.
Refusal of care: the CNOM will file a complaint against #doctors announcing their refusal of patients under CMU-C and AME
– Order of Doctors (@ordre_medecins) February 2, 2017
Read also:
CMU: twice as many beneficiaries in 2014
Third-party payment extended to pregnant women from tomorrow
Generalized third-party payer: 2 out of 3 French people are in favor
Third party paying generalized on January 1 to all French people covered at 100%