Staying warm is pretty much the only thing to do at first. The opportunity to take advantage, as much as possible, of… his bed! “No scientific study would have proven that the disease regresses faster like this,” says Dr. Cohen, but it is a matter of common sense. And a way to psychically recharge the batteries before going back to work. Dr Leicher also recommends caution to athletes: no resumption of activity before the complete disappearance of all symptoms (fever, of course, but also aches and joint pain which may persist). The risk is to injure oneself by starting again too quickly to train.
Plants That Help Recover
To recover quickly, you can also take something to strengthen the overall terrain and defenses: the same plants as at the beginning of winter, that is to say the mother tinctures of Echinacea and Eleutherococcus. Adaptogenic plants, such as ginseng (also known to give a boost), rebalance the body quite well. What about vitamins? None of our experts believe in the proven benefits of vitamin cocktails or vitamin C cures. The latter still facilitates the absorption of iron. It therefore remains useful if you lack it, during heavy periods or after a pregnancy because, in this case, we have no more springs at the slightest disease. We therefore consume enough meat red, and oranges to fix the iron. Vitamin D is useful for maintaining good immunity. Supplementation is therefore readily recommended for people who go out little during the winter, it will certainly be better in fine weather. But in the meantime, follow our anti-flu program!
The homeo boost
Even if the symptoms improve after a week with the flu, it is best to remain vigilant. Dr Chemouny advises to continue taking the same homeopathic treatments, but to change the dilution. For example, we can continue with Gelsemium, but this time in 15 CH (10 granules in one take, one week apart for 15 days). To be combined with Sulfur iodatum 9 CH (3 granules in the evening for 15 days).